Spiritual Healing Power

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Truth about the Higher Self

Our true Self is actually our Higher Self, Who is the total of all our experiences on Earth and in the Astral and then Mental worlds before arriving back with that particular "package" of experience.

Each "package of experience" enhances the Higher Self and therefore the entire Being that comprises the Higher Self.

It is the objective of the Higher Self to collect as much experience as necessary to move on from the cycle of sending "representatives" to Earth to collect experience, to much greater things, the likes of which are beyond the comprehension of most - everyone will, without exception, achieve these exalted states.

It is worth pointing out at this stage that the Higher Self is a perfect reflection of the Universe - everything that occurs does so in the direction of experience, expansion and thereby perfection - this applies to every level of life from The Source all the way to individual expressions on Earth.

As we evolve, groups of Higher Selves get together to form Entities that empathetically cooperate to help evolution lower down the ladder, and so it is until eventually all Beings are just one single entity - The Source, The First Cause - God, the Logos.

Now the process of reincarnation can be related to a wheel – the wheel, along with the seed and fertile fields makes an excellent analogy for explaining sometimes difficult, conceptually, subjects to understand.

If we look at a wooden cart wheel, we see it has a hub at the centre, spokes radiating from the hub, eventually joining the outer rim of the wheel.

In this context the wheel represents the following:

Hub - the Higher Self
Spokes - time lines relative to Earth
Rim - the physical Universe

The hub, the Higher Self is the total of all physical lives and "future" lives relative to Earth. It can be likened to the facets of a glittering rough diamond which becomes a perfect diamond once all of the facets have been polished - each physical life adds a bit more polish to the diamond as a whole.

Each spoke represents an individual experience which takes place by first starting at the rim, for example Earth, and then progresses back up each spoke eventually returning to the hub.

Now - before sending another personality down a spoke to arrive on Earth for another life, the Higher Self first needs to understand exactly what "package" of experience is required for a certain aspect of evolution and therefore perfection.

The Higher Self will then send a suitable personality down that spoke. As you will remember, the rim is the planet Earth and the rim is also circular - this means that the Higher Self can send a personality down any spoke and arrive at any time-line in the history of Earth or any other planet in the physical Universe.

The Higher Self also chooses which country, location and parents would best present the opportunities and experiences required for this particular "incarnation". So the Higher Self could for example send a personality as a female in one incarnation, who will be born to a family of bakers living in London, England in the year 1862.

Another personality of the Higher Self might be a male born to a doctor and his wife living in India in 1999.

Another personality might be a son born to a Saxon noble family of land owners in early medieval times and so on.

It is important to understand that these personalities are not sent by the Higher Self sequentially, i.e. one at a time. All incarnations of a human being take place concurrently, i.e. simultaneously relative to the Higher Self - we only experience the illusion called "time" while here on Earth.

It is therefore possible for hundreds or even thousands of yourself to be living in the Astral all at the same time, although you might not know it. This is why the Astral is populated with countless trillions of people and beings from other planets living in the infinite Astral planes all at the same time.

The Astral planes are only transient however - they have been created by the Minds of Beings such as humans after what they experienced on Earth, believing it to be "reality".

The reality is that the Astral will dissipate once this phase of evolution of the Universe is complete, an eternal process, just as all illusions dissipate sooner or later.

The Astral worlds are not "home" or "heaven", they are simply a necessary step for most people at this time on their way back to their own Higher Self with the package of information gained on Earth, then the Astral and then Mental realms of life and reality.

The spoke of each life passes through the Astral and Mental planes before reuniting with the hub of the Higher Self.

I hope that has provided some useful insight into this most important process.

The highest and most noble condition to aspire to and achieve on Earth is self-realization, at which the cycle of reincarnation is broken forever.

Unfortunately mankind has traveled a path for the last few thousand years at least that goes against achieving these objectives as materialism, self interest, service to self before
service to others, fuelled by an uncontrolled ego, creed, dogma and indoctrination have ruled.

Time is running out as we approach the end of this great age, and everyone must make every effort to make maximum use of the time that remains - this is what this blog is all about.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Three Levels of Creation

One question that frequently arises is why the physical world is so similar to the Astral worlds in some respects, but not in others; specifically why the mid-Astral for example looks so similar to Earth but yet is so much more harmonious.

There are three fundamental levels of creation; these are:

1. Universal
2. Collective or consensual
3. Individual

Let us look at each one.

Universal: Universal creation is the domain of The Source, The Prime Creator, God; the Creator of everything that Is.

The entire Universe is the "Mind of God", consisting of conscious, intelligent, vibrating Energy in which we all have our Being.

The Source, The First Cause, God, literally "thought" the Universe, or "Multi- verse"" into existence, and therefore we, and all creation exists as "ideas" in the Mind of God in the form of "thought forms" or Energy configurations.

We therefore each exist as a unique "Energy Field" within the Great Energy field of the Mind of God. As we continue on the path to perfection, the Energy field that is each of us vibrates at an every higher frequency, and as we do so we transition to the level of the Universe with a corresponding frequency of vibration.

God, The First Cause, The Source thought and continues to think into creation the "infrastructure" of the Universe; Quanta, sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, planets, solar systems, galaxies and other physical manifestations at a physical level, as well as many other glorious manifestations at a non-physical level.

God also thought into existence each one of us, every animal, plant and all life amd forms of matter through which God experiences and expands.

God is the creator of the Macrocosm.

2. Collective or consensual: All life and therefore humans are creators in our own sphere of life; the microcosm.

Groups of life such as humans "think" as one at levels of consciousness known as "planes". There is a "plane of the human mind" where humans share "collective thoughts".

Other forms of life do this very overtly; you might for example have seen vast shoals of fish, or flocks of birds, often consisting of many thousands or even millions of individuals acting as one massive formation.

When one moves they all move instantly in the same direction as if they are one huge organism, which, on their plane of Mind, they are.

Each form of life including minerals; i.e. rocks etc. which are every bit as much
life as organic life, has a corresponding "Mental Plane". So even though one variety of birds or fish might act as one, birds or fish nearby will not react at all
to the thoughts and movements of other species.

I will now describe what is known as "the hundredth monkey effect".

Humans behave in this way when building town, cities, in fact anything "man- made", all of which are consensus creations which exist only due to everyone observing them and "agreeing" they exist.

If every person in the world was to suddenly stop stop focusing on man-made structures, then everything would disappear because the illusion, maintained by the consensus thoughts of man, could no longer be perpetuated. This has been proven by quantum physics.

This is also why the mid-Astral worlds where most people transition after the "death" of the physical body are all extremely similar to the physical world; so much so that many people cannot accept the fact they have "passed on".

The Astral worlds are the consensus creation of people who believe that "Earth"
is reality, and have therefore created the same perceived "reality" after making the transition.

So the Astral worlds are the direct result of the thoughts of countless people "agreeing" what reality is. There are many planes of these "realities" representing every age and culture of life on Earth. Animals also have their own consensus realities.

Of course; like Earth itself, the Astral worlds are an illusion held together only by the minds of people still clinging onto material thoughts such as "houses" and other material possessions, and where they can satiate their material desires before seeing these desires for what they really are, after which they can progress.

Again; the collective, or consensus human mind is extremely important as we
progress towards 2012. As more people "believe" one outcome or another, as with Spiritual awareness or awakening, as more people adopt that awareness a critical mass is reached at which point on the plane of the human Mind it becomes a reality which propagates to all members of that plane.

3. Individual: This will be familiar to long-time readers of this newsletter who will know that we all create our own reality by The Law of Attraction.

So within the Universal creation of The Source, The Prime Creator, God, and the consensus creation of humans, we create our own individual reality with our individual thoughts. Whatever we focus our thoughts and feelings on we attract into our personal reality.

Everything man-made on the physical world therefore is the collective result of the individual thoughts of people. So for example we might live in a town which is the result of the collective thoughts of hundreds of thousands or perhaps even millions of people both from the present and past relative to Earth "time", but our personal reality, our homes, car, situation is the direct result of what we have attracted with our own thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Just as we can change our own reality with out thoughts, so too can mankind change the existing reality of the entire planet with collective thought, including all of the serious issues facing mankind today.

Again, and this simply cannot be stressed enough, the consensus thought of humanity, and indeed all life, will ultimately determine the outcome of whatever we face in 2012 which is why humanity focuses only on the best scenario, and not be influenced by the ignorance, rejudices and covert inforuences of the "popular media".

Mankind thought physical "civilization" into existence, and mankind can either transform it into the "kingdom of Heaven on Earth" or destroy it completely; and that time might be soon.

It is for everyone to therefore focus on and know only "the kingdom of Heaven on Earth" where everyone lives in peace, harmony and Unconditional Love, and service to others before service to self becomes a central principle, and that will be the reality.

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